I'm Hayden, a graphic designer and illustrator who graduated from Kutztown University with a BFA in Communication Design. I'm currently a Graphic Designer of Branding for TerrAscend and help manage their branding from packaging to lifestyle. I specialize in both traditional and digital illustration styles, favoring strong linework and cell shading and gradients when working with color. In my design work, I'm inspired by contemporary and minimalist design, but I don't shy away from the more complex and noisy styles of retro designers when the need calls for it.

When I happen upon some free time, I like to draw obsessively, get lost in virtual worlds, and attempt to illustrate the perfect a e t h e t i c. I also like to cook, and am attempting to discover the recipe for the perfect mac n' cheese (I'm pretty sure I got it now, and it's decadent).

You can view my full resume down below, and print a copy if you're interested.

moody artist